Grahame Morris MP Working for Easington

Latest Update on Miners Pensions’ Campaign:
Thank you to every constituent, campaigner and Labour MP who has contacted me about the British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme (BCSSS). As chair of the Labour MPs Group on Coalfield Communities I have coordinated a joint letter, co-signed by 41 MPs, to the Rt Hon Darren Jones MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, calling for urgent action to address the unfairness faced by members of the BCSSS.
Thanks to the Labour government’s historic decision to transfer the £1.5 billion Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme reserve, many former miners and their families have already seen a much-needed boost to their pensions. But there’s still work to be done.
I am urging the government to:
✅ Forgo the final £2.3 billion payment from the BCSSS reserve, ensuring fairer pensions for members who served in vital roles across the coal industry.
Time is running out for the thousands of beneficiaries who powered this nation and are now relying on us to fight for their fair treatment. It’s time to deliver parity and pension justice for everyone in our coalfield communities.