A recent analysis by the GMB reveals a shocking 155 percent increase in the number of public sector workers relying on Universal Credit since the start of the pandemic. The data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) paints a bleak picture: between late 2019 and the end of 2022, an astonishing 119,000 public sector employees ended up on social security benefits. These are the hardworking individuals who serve in essential roles such as healthcare, caregiving, education, and local government. Despite their contributions, too many are struggling to support their families without the help of Universal Credit.

Presented at the GMB’s Annual Congress in Brighton, these findings highlight the significant challenges faced by public servants. The analysis of ONS Labour Force Survey data reveals a disheartening trend: in Q4 2019, around 76,803 public sector workers received Universal Credit, but by Q4 2022, this number had surged to 195,772.

Our public sector workers deserve fair wages for their invaluable service. It is unacceptable that those who play crucial roles in our community must rely on working benefits just to make ends meet.

Over the past year, public sector workers have expressed their concerns through industrial action, refusing to accept inadequate conditions that push them below the poverty line. Their calls for fair pay, terms, and conditions have been ignored, with the government engaging in conflicts with trade unions in an attempt to halt their falling polling numbers. We need a government that prioritises our community’s needs and stands in solidarity with workers, demanding a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.

Immediate action is necessary to break the cycle of in-work poverty. If the public sector fails to pay a real living wage, how can we expect the government too take action against unscrupulous employers who profit by paying poverty wages and relying on Universal Credit to supplement incomes. In this sense, Universal Credit becomes a corporate subsidy, allowing businesses to exploit public funds and generate profits while keeping staff below the poverty line.

The ongoing GMB Annual Congress serves as a timely reminder of the urgency for change. We must support their efforts and amplify their call for fair treatment and proper compensation. As a community, it is essential that we unite and demand fair wages for all workers to ensure a fair, just, and equal society.

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GMB Annual Congress runs from Sunday 4th to Thursday 8th June. For updates and videos please visit https://www.youtube.com/@GMBUnionTV/streams

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