Easington MP Grahame Morris stood in solidarity with campaigners as they marched on Downing Street to demand justice in the long running dispute over the Mineworkers Pension Scheme.

The march coincides with a House of Commons debate on mining communities, that will be led by Grahame Morris.

In the aftermath of privatisation and closure of the industry, unfair conditions were imposed on the Mineworkers Pension Scheme, with the Government taking half of any surpluses generated by the pension fund. This has resulted in the Treasury siphoning off nearly £5 billion from the pension fund, at a time when some pensioners receive as little as £10 a week.

Prior to the protest, Grahame Morris MP said:

“Today, as we gather outside 10 Downing Street, our purpose is clear: to demand justice for miners, miners’ widows, and their families. The Government’s ongoing theft of half the scheme’s surpluses while retired miners struggle in poverty is unacceptable.

Miners endure chronic health conditions stemming from their years in the pits, resulting in shorter lives and retirements marred by industrial disease. Those who toiled in these perilous conditions deserve the full benefits of the pension scheme their labour and contributions built.

The Government must listen to our communities and working people, who seek nothing more than safety and security in retirement from a pension fund they established. The Government has been presented with a blueprint for reform by the cross-party Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee.

Implementing these recommendations is a straightforward action the Government can take today to address this issue.”

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